Foreign Acquisition

VTS is a leader in the acquisition and brokerage of Foreign Materiel. For nearly twenty years VTS has specialized in the acquisition and logistics support of end units and spare parts of equipment of the Former Soviet Union. With a solid network in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe we are recognized experts in a very difficult market.

VTS is unique in that it maintains and operates US/NATO equipment to include trucks, armored vehicles, communications equipment and weapons.

Registered with the US State Department and conversant in ITARS, VTS supports international militaries with various spare parts for US/NATO vehicles, aircraft and helicopters.

Foreign Weapons & Munitions Procurement

VTS can procure, secure, maintain and issue small arms and ammunition likely to be encountered on battlefields worldwide.

Non-Standard Vehicle
Acquisition, Support & Training

Wheeled Assets: Commercial trucks to include Mercedes Benz, Kamas, Kraz, Tatra, Ural

Track Assets: APCs to include BMP Series

VTS Logistics: Professional Project Management, Acquisitions, Logistics, Maintenance, Training, Security, Foreign Materiel Support

VTS offers repair of military (wheeled, track, generators) and commercial vehicles from organizational level through overhaul, RESET, and recapitalization (RECAP) procedures. We are capable of executing all levels of repair from operator/crew level through organizational and depot.

VTS Logistics: Professional Project Management, Acquisitions, Logistics, Maintenance, Training, Security, Foreign Materiel Support

VTS is a leader in the acquisition and brokerage of Foreign Materiel. For nearly twenty years VTS has specialized in the acquisition and logistics support of end units and spare parts of equipment of the Former Soviet Union. With a solid network in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe we are recognized experts in a very difficult market.

VTS Logistics: Professional Project Management, Acquisitions, Logistics, Maintenance, Training, Security, Foreign Materiel Support

VTS provides exceptional training programs based upon proven, world-class systems taught by some of the best instructors in the world. Our Instructors have provided doctrine-based training to thousands of Army National Guard and active component Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen deploying to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia and the Sinai.

©2016 VTS Vose Technical Systems, 711 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402 (253)-272-7273
Created by UPFRONT